CSV site and demographics -Santa Rita Climate-Smart Village, Honduras (2020)

The Climate-Smart Village (CSV) approach is based on the principles of participatory action research (PAR) to generate evidence on climate-smart agriculture (CSA). The research carried out in a CSV is by default based on the specificities of the context and its enabling characteristics for the implementation and scaling of CSA. A CSV constitutes living laboratories that show how different actors in one territory co-develop, test, adopt and evaluate a portfolio of integrated and innovative CSA options aiming to reach sustainable agriculture and improving the livelihoods of the rural population.

1. Santa Rita - Honduras

“Santa Rita CSV is located in the department of Copán, western Honduras. It has a projected population of 30,682 by 2016 inhabitants, of which 85.2% live and work in rural areas, thus their main livelihoods are related to farming activities. Coffee growing, livestock, and crops of basic grains are the main economic engines of communities in the CSV. These three activities represent 74% of the work carried out by farmers; the remaining 26% dedicate mainly to commerce, services, and construction.”

1.1 Monitoring scope

Ten communities from the Santa Rita CSV were originally selected to be covered by the CSA monitoring: “Tierra Fria” (17), “Aldea Nueva” (19), “Mirador (23)”, “Vado Ancho (36)”, “La Hermosura (52)”, “La Arada (58)”, Rastrojitos (76)“, “La Casita”(20), “Villanueva”(21) and “Queseras (22)”

The initial sample target included (as much as possible) a revisit of the initial households visited for the CCAFS Baseline (HBS) in 2014 and all the direct CCAFS beneficiary households (directly involved in CSA implementation activities).

In 2019, most of the CCAFS PAR activities took place in the communities 17,19 and 20 (most households considered as “CCAFS direct beneficiaries”).

Thus, 5 communities (23, 36, 52, 58 and 76) represented mostly “non-beneficiaries” or “additional” households (potential non-adopters), and due to the COVID emergency they were under surveyed.

This survey was delivered to two adults’ individuals from 143 households, actively involved in agricultural activities of the farm: One was the main person involved in deciding and implementing on-farm activities (MAIN AG). This person had to respond to Modules 1A (Demographic), 1B (Agricultural system), 1D (Personal Financial Services), 2 (climate events), 3 (Climate services), 5 (CSA practices) and if women also to module 4 (Food Security). The second person had to be of opposite sex also involved in on-farm activities. This second person responded Modules 1A, module 3, module 5 and –if women- also Module 4.

A total of 252 farmers were interviewed; 120 males and 128 females, of which 87 were young between 13 and 30 years old of age (45 women and 39 men). Of the 143 households, in 102 we find male agricultural heads and in 26 households their agricultural heads are women, on average we found 5.1 farmers per household and the average age of the respondents is 38.6 years old, 37.9 years in women and 39.7 years for men).

Implementation was carried out by locally trained enumerators using the Geofarmer Smart Monitoring App for data collection. The selection of the enumerators was done by CASM based on their previous work experience and their educational background that enable them to fully understand the concept of CSA.

If you want to know more about the CSV site visit its page here.

1.2 Population covered by the CSA monitoring

CSV communities Number of farmers Number of male Number of female Number of young men Number of young women Number of households Number of male-headed households Number of female-headed households
Aldea Nueva 20 9 11 5 7 12 8 3
La Arada 48 25 23 4 5 27 22 4
La Casita 25 12 13 3 4 14 10 1
La Hermosura 6 3 3 0 2 4 2 2
Mirador 24 12 12 4 2 13 10 2
Others 4 0 0 0 0 3 0 0
Queseras 46 22 24 12 11 25 16 7
Rastrojitos 2 1 1 0 0 1 1 0
Tierra Fria 1 44 21 23 7 8 25 20 3
Vado Ancho 13 5 8 1 1 8 3 3
Villanueva 20 10 10 3 5 11 10 1
Total 252 120 128 39 45 143 102 26

1.3 Glossary of CSA practices

2. Demographics

2.1 Household size

Average number of people per household in female headed households and in male-headed households.

Average household size
Household 5
Male-headed household 5
Female-headed household 6

Distribution of the number of people per household

Number of household members Number of households Percentage
1 2 1%
2 6 4%
3 26 19%
4 22 16%
5 24 18%
6 23 17%
7 16 12%
8 8 6%
9 4 3%
10 2 1%
11 1 1%

Distribution of the number of people per household in female-headed households and in male-headed households.

Male-headed household
Female-headed household
Number of household members Number of households Percentage Number of households Percentage
1 2 2% 0 0%
2 3 3% 3 12%
3 22 23% 2 8%
4 19 20% 1 4%
5 17 18% 4 17%
6 14 14% 6 25%
7 12 12% 4 17%
8 5 5% 2 8%
9 1 1% 2 8%
10 1 1% 0 0%
11 1 1% 0 0%

2.2 Household agricultural labor force

Percentage of households with different number of household members involved in agricultural activities.

Number of members participating in on-farm agricultural activities Number of households Percentage
0 1 1%
1 22 16%
2 53 40%
3 27 20%
4 16 12%
5 5 4%
6 5 4%
7 3 2%
8 1 1%
9 1 1%

Percentage of male and female-headed households with different number of household members involved in agricultural activities:

Male-headed household
Female-headed household
Number of members participating in on-farm agricultural activities Number of households Percentage Number of households Percentage
0 0 0% 1 100%
1 18 82% 4 18%
2 37 77% 11 23%
3 19 79% 5 21%
4 12 92% 1 8%
5 4 80% 1 20%
6 4 100% 0 0%
7 3 100% 0 0%
9 0 0% 1 100%


2.3 Average households productive area

Average and total productive area reported by households.

Averange area hectares
Average farm area with CSA practices (across adopters households) 0.79
Average farm area with CSA practices (across adopters Female-headed household) 0.68
Average farm area with CSA practices (across adopters Male-headed household) 0.82
Total area hectares
Total farm area with CSA practices (across adopters households) 49.9
Total farm area with CSA practices (across adopters Female-headed household) 8.2
Total farm area with CSA practices (across adopters Male-headed household) 41.7

2.4 Farmers land ownership

Percentage of households, female-headed household and male-headed household who answered “Yes” to the question: “Do you personally own all the land you cultivate/use for agriculture activities?”

N All land is rented I own all the cultivated/used land Most land is owned, some is rented Most land is rented, some is owned Use the land for agriculture, but I dont own it
Households 128 25% 39% 12% 12% 12%
Female-headed household 26 31% 38% 8% 4% 19%
Male-headed household 102 24% 39% 14% 14% 10%

2.5 Educational level

None (no education) Primary Secondary Superior (University) Total
Farmers 63 172 11 2 248
Female 36 85 5 2 128
Male 27 87 6 0 120
None (no education) Primary Secondary Total
Households 34 89 5 128
Female-headed household 11 15 0 26
Male-headed household 23 74 5 102
